...and the blogging hiatus finally comes to an end! After what seemed like an extremely busy start to the year (focusing all our attention on progressing several projects within the office) we realised we have not been giving the blog as much attention as we should. We want to change that.
At Enter we have always felt as if the design studio was a real space for exploration. Not only are we continually challenging ourselves through the design process, but there is so much 'backstage' development work that goes in to those final poster renderings, that usually never gets an audience out there sadly. Hence this blog will become an insight into the hidden narratives behind the work, a really great means of showcasing our process to a community interested in our point of view, our inspirations, our interests, our sketches and models and our discussions. The blog aims to intrigue, excite and explore a world that we immerse ourselves in at the Enter Architecture studio, with a whole new audience to discuss it with.
So without further adieu, lets begin...
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